Queensland’s leading first season 2 year old sire
27 wins – 1:52.4 – $1,177,323
- 3rd leading first crop sire in Australia based on winners – 10 winners
- 4th leading first crop sire in Australia based on stakemoney – $166,465
- 2nd leading 2YO sire in Queensland this year
- 10 winners and 5 place getters from 19 2YO starters
- 19 starters from 36 foals – 53% strike rate
- 7 2:00 2YO winners
- Ellis Street 1:55.7 – 2nd Paleface Adios Classic
- Missed Consequences 1:56.4 – QBred Triad and Albion Park Gold finalist
- Gem Punter Pete 1:55.9 – QBred finalist
- Rockon Rocky 1:56.5 – QBred finalist
- Studleigh Punter 1:55.6